Let Us Help You Understand Your Prospective Investment and Confidently Arrive at a Decision.
As a self-directed investor, you know how much work it takes to manage your portfolio, but that doesn’t mean you need to do everything on your own.
Our consulting service helps clients advance their investment analysis by addressing the specific troubles, challenges, and confusion they’re facing with their work, enabling them to successfully finish their analysis efficiently and effectively.
Please note that before you work with us, you should already have a prospective investment you’re currently looking at or are interested in looking at. We will not provide suggestions on which prospective investments are worth evaluating – that decision must be made by you beforehand.
Ilucidy’s expertise lies primarily with equities (i.e., stocks), but if you’re looking at another investment instrument such as a REIT, ETF, or bond, then we will still do our best to assist you.
How Does Our Process Work?

Our objectives are that, after working with us, you will:
- No longer have to deal with the frustrations, challenges, and other headaches that previously hindered your analytical work.
- Have the confidence to wrap up your analysis now that you know exactly how to proceed with and finish it.
- Confidently make investment decisions without second-guessing yourself, knowing that you have the necessary facts and analysis to justify them.
We believe that investors should have the freedom to decide which investments to pursue and to make their own decisions without being influenced by external parties.
However, this freedom is meaningless if an investor still ends up making a bad decision due to the inability to perform proper investment analysis. Our goal is to help prevent that from happening.
Price and Billing Details
Consulting sessions are charged on an hourly basis, and the rate is $50/hour. However, this price is subject to proration depending on the length of your session.
For example, if you book a session for 1 hour and 30 minutes, your price will be $75: $50 for the first hour, and $25 for the 30 minutes.
Full billing instructions, an invoice, and a receipt will all be emailed to you before your session.